• CheckICO is simple

    CheckICO wants to give you a first quick overview if a specific ICO is liked by the community or not.

  • CheckICO is interactive

    CheckICO invites you to share your recommendations concerning ICOs with all the other app users.

  • CheckICO is informative

    CheckICO will show you some trends which ICO is liked better than others.

  • CheckICO is fun

    CheckICO wants to bring some fun in the process of thinking about doing an investment in an ICO.

  • CheckICO brings rewards

    And CheckICO will reward your participation will provide you with some coins which we will get from some featured ICOs.

The main goal of CheckICO is very simple: the users in the community help themselves making better decisions or at least save some time. Time that is probably not invested in an ICO which obviously is not worth to be checked at all because a lot of users already made their decision with their „thumb down“ (swipe left). )…

On the other hand: If a lot of people have come to their decision „thumb up“ (swipe right), it is probably worth the time to do the whole research for an ICO…
